What are the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) requirements?

By: Skynet Technologies USA LLC
8 mins
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

AODA(安大略省残疾人无障碍法案)对于为安大略省残疾人创造一个包容和无障碍的数字环境至关重要, Canada. 网站遵守AODA准则,确保任何残疾的用户都可以浏览, understand, and interact with online content effectively. 这包括使网站与屏幕阅读器等辅助技术兼容, providing alt text for images, ensuring color contrast for readability, etc.

不遵守AODA法规可能会导致法律后果和声誉受损. In this article, we will understand what AODA website compliance is, 以及企业需要遵守的要求,向所有安大略省人提供可访问的网站.

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What is AODA – its history in brief!

2001年,安大略省制定了残疾人法案,名为《威斯尼斯人官网正版》(ODA)。. In 1994, 该法案作为ODA(安大略省残疾人法案)引入,旨在消除来自不同商业部门的无障碍障碍,并最终, ODA became an official law in 2001.

Following government elections in 2003, the Accessibility Standards Advisory Council was established, and they passed AODA as law in 2005. AODA是ODA的改进版本,是在各种残疾人用户反馈的帮助下制作的.

And in 2011, 综合无障碍标准条例(IASR)统一了AODA的五个信息标准 & communication, customer service, transportation, employment, and design of public spaces.

If organizations fail to adhere to AODA, they might end up in a lawsuit or pay hefty fines up to $100,000 per day.

Who should comply with AODA and what are its requirements?


Public websites and web content created in 2012 or after should adhere to WCAG 2.0 standards.

AODA is based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0标准,因为它们是国际公认的准则,使每个人都可以访问数字资产. Thereby websites in Ontario are expected to follow WCAG 2.0 standards.

AODA requirements:

要创建符合aoda的网站,企业应该遵循WCAG的四个基本原则. They are referred to as POUR; Perceivable, Operable, Understandable, and Robust.

Though organizations can apply WCAG 2.1 .标准以及关注移动的可访问性,它对AODA的遵从性不是必要的.

此外,WCAG还为符合AODA的网站提供了一个关键考虑事项列表. 组织可以使用该列表作为遵循可访问性需求的方便指南.

这里需要注意的一个关键问题是,安大略省政府概述了一个时间表,要求所有组织在2025年之前遵守《威斯尼斯人官网正版》的指导方针. 他们必须每两年向安大略省政府提交一份无障碍合规报告, regardless of their business size.


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Exceptions that are not forced on organizations to follow!

Two guidelines of WCAG that are not mandatory for websites to be accessible under AODA:

  1. Live captions
  2. Pre-recorded audio descriptions

Also, AODA表示,组织不需要为了可访问性而修复网站的这些部分, if remediating them is ‘not practicable’. For instance, if an organization can make web elements accessible using available tools or software, then it is advisable to work on that. However, if there is a struggle to find the tool or if the tool/software is not available, then that part can be left the way it is.

Section 14 of O.Reg.191/11 《澳门威斯尼斯人app下载安装》概述了一些条件,在这些条件下,机构可获豁免遵守所提供的无障碍规定, they’ve made all possible efforts to make the web pages accessible under WCAG 2.0 level A or AA.

Nevertheless, 每个组织都有责任实现可访问性,并确保每个人都能获得最大的可访问性!

AODA and assistive technology!

Along with applying all essential WCAG elements to the website, assuring assistive technology access is crucial as well. 所有主要的辅助技术必须与网站和应用程序兼容,包括屏幕阅读器和导航工具.

The assistive technology makes it possible for physically impaired users to read, hear, or understand the content on a web page. 它们有助于轻松地浏览页面,甚至可以探索复杂的结构,只要页面的核心是保持WCAG标准.


AODA in education – another important facet!


  • They must provide study materials in accessible formats.
  • Procure such electronic content which is designed accessible.
  • If educational or training materials are not available in an accessible format, arrange alternate provision to access such content.
  • 为他们的教育工作者提供适当的培训,以及与无障碍意识相关的计划或课程.
  • 记录所有教育工作者的培训情况,以了解有多少受过培训的专业人员为每个学生提供适当的教育.

Wrapping up

Once you embark on your web accessibility expedition, 从网站审查开始,了解可访问性问题,然后相应地应用AODA标准.

《威斯尼斯人官网正版》(AODA)让你有机会成为数字无障碍的火炬手,并以身作则. Step up and ensure accessibility for each Ontarian!

Skynet Technologies是国际无障碍专业人员协会(IAAP)的准成员,也是W3C公认的成员,对其对全球无障碍社区的贡献感到非常自豪.

无论您是需要基本的增强功能还是需要对网站的可访问性进行全面检查, rest assured that we can meet your needs. We offer full-service website accessibility remediation solutions, including design, audit, consulting, remediation, support, and ongoing monitoring.

Contact us by email at [email protected] or by filling out the provided form. We aim to make your digital presence more accessible to all, ensuring inclusivity.